BERA Researchers Take Home Presentation Awards from the RE3 Conference
Researchers from the Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment project hosted a two-part symposium on seismic-line restoration assessment and restoration monitoring at the 2023 RE3 Conference in Québec. The symposia featured […]
BERA Team Visits Westcore to See Restoration Treatments First-hand
Researchers from the Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment project joined personnel from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas to tour seismic lines being actively restored near the town of Fox Creek, […]
BERA 2022 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Members of the Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment (BERA) program invited stakeholders from across Canada to join us in Calgary for a full-day workshop on December 9, 2022. The event […]
Seismic Regeneration: On the Edge
The latest BERA publication from the Vegetation Team provides insights to factors that promote tree regeneration on seismic lines. Dr. Caroline Franklin and colleagues’ new paper in Forest Ecology and […]
BERA 2 Kicks Off!
After a year of COVID-19 related uncertainty and delays, the Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment project held its Phase 2 kick-off webinar on Feburary 18, 2021. The webinar marked the […]
BERA 1 Final Synthesis Webinar
Webinar Summary Members of the Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment (BERA) project held their final synthesis webinar on April 30, 2020. While the event was originally planned as a full-day, […]
Remote Sensing Boreal Coarse Woody Debris: Thesis Wrap-up
My MSc thesis, entitled Remote Sensing Boreal Coarse Woody Debris, was successfully defended on September 13th, 2019. The main objective of the research I conducted was to assess the accuracy […]
Facing the Challenge of Boreal Restoration
I have written before about the hidden costs of resource development in Alberta, where decades of forestry and petroleum exploration has created an enormous network of roads, seismic lines, pipelines, and well sites in parts of the province that most folks would consider “remote”. If this subject is unfamiliar to you, then a few moments in front of the ABMI Mapping Portal will likely be pretty enlightening.
Drones Track Forest Regeneration in Canadian Cut Blocks
Like many young adults, I once took on a summer position as a tree planter to earn money for school. I planted thousands of tiny seedlings in former harvest areas throughout northern Alberta and British Columbia. I sometimes wondered: what becomes of all those little trees?